My son Marc thinks that this car once belonged to Al Capones Driver who left it here while he was visiting his girlfriend in an appartment building on this same street. I think it reflects the hazy, lazy mood of a past that will never be forgotten.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
My son Marc thinks that this car once belonged to Al Capones Driver who left it here while he was visiting his girlfriend in an appartment building on this same street. I think it reflects the hazy, lazy mood of a past that will never be forgotten.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
150 Euros
The third painting inspired by the photos of Jerry Alcantara. Venedig full of colours and the visions that totter on the very thin edge of dreams.
Saturday, July 26, 2008

150 Euros
Another painting inspired from my friend Jerry Alcantara. Impressions of a still life that certainly is not standing still but moving through the many layers of red and green to become a complete picture. Much like real life always in motion even in those moments of standing still listening to the silent melodies of coloured passion imagine how those cherries would taste?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
150 Euros
This is a painting of two orphans in the Pokhara Orphanage Nepal. When I see images such as these I can feel how important it is for children to be able to live in a home or a family where they are able to experience security and love. Something that for us is normal and everyday but for many children in this world nothing but a faraway dream and glimmer of hope. Part of the income of these "Children of Nepal" paintings will go to these children.
Monday, July 21, 2008
With special thanks to Jerry Alcantara for allowing me to use his Photos.
A street in an old city leading to a place of mystery. A blue bicycle waiting to be ridden or waiting for its rider who has just gone inside that open door. And what will he find?
Friday, July 18, 2008
Here I am once again playing with the light. Some people say that I paint hyper - realistic and I say no! I paint realistic impressions. This is what my eyes see outside the original image whether it be a photo or Plein Air or a sketch. Anyway this piece is dedicated to my very good friend Carlos Salgado who was in my gallery yesterday as I was working on this painting. On seeing the paintings for "Hope for the Children" he was so moved by the intensity that he straight away decided to bid for "Puna - The eyes of Nepal".
Sunday, July 13, 2008
150 Euros
Here is the painting for today. A man celebrating the passion of life, dressed in his costume of many feathers and colours. I feel that this painting symbolises our own diversity, everyone of us has a costume of many colours and it is only a question of wether we have the courage to put it on or not. To show the world how very special we are, radiant and full of rainbows.
Talking about rainbows please do not forget the bidding that is taking place at "Hope for the Children" Up till now there are two bids for two paintings. The bidding closes on 15 August.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Here is the daily painting for today. another one of those very special still lifes that would look fantastic hanging on your kitchen wall. Let me also remind you to take a look at our Nepal Art Project there are now two paintings and a third one will be posted in the near future. Bidding has started for the two paintings and we aim to continue the auction into middle of August. Everybody can bid and I can send the paintings, worldwide without a frame in a padded envelope. While painting these pieces I couldnt help thinking about how easy it is for us, here in a modern world to be able to help these children. But why do we not do it? Maybe because we are too busy with running our own lives or are going through a difficult period, or think, how do we know that this money is really going to Nepal? etc. Take a few minutes and contemplate how the lives of these children will change if they have the possibility of going to school to learn how to read and write and plan their own future, see the smiling faces full of hope and curiosity and ask yourself once again "How can I help?"
Let me also thank my artist friend Edward Gordon from Berlin for his support in this project.
Have a great and colourful day.
Monday, July 7, 2008
HOPE FOR THE CHILDREN an Art Project for Nepal
A new Benefit Project from The Barefoot School
We have started a Benefit Art Initiative to support a New School project in the highlands of Nepal supported by German Radio and TV Journalist Rolf Schmelzer. I will paint 3 Daily Paintings of the children and people living in the local area where the school exists.
Each painting will be sold to the highest bidder (minimum price 150 Euro) over a 4 week period. Bidding will take place in the comments area of the artblog so that everybody can see whats happening. This project is very important for the children of the area and because it is a local project we can be sure that the money will go to a worthwhile cause and be used for what it is meant for. So keep your eyes open on this blog for daily paintings of Nepal and make your offers to support the children - our future.
The Center for Community Development and Research in Nepal, (short: CCODER, pronounced as 'See-koder') is a people-first, non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 1990, by the dedicated social workers who believe in the concept of self-reliant development of the underprivileged by the underprivileged. CCODER is convinced that only the self-reliant and responsible action of communities and their members can lead to a continuing process of sustainable development. This process has to include both women and men and the members of all occupational and ethnic groups. There goals are to build and run community centers, public schools, health centers etc
CCODER’s first step towards poverty reduction is to help the people identify the root cause of their problems, regain faith in themselves, learn new skills and realize their potential. The people need to know their worth and their dignity as human beings. They need to develop a belief that they can change their environment and should realize, as our motto states that “they are the masters of their own destiny".

Puna - The eyes of Nepal
Acrylic on wood 18 x 24cm
starting bid 150 Euros
JULY 19. BID NUMBER 1: Carlos Salgado, bid 200 Euros. The children of Pokhara, Nepal: Sarita, Sony, Sagar, Rasmi, Sunil, Maya etc thank you!
Here is his comment:
Lieber Ray,
für dein Bild "Puna - The eyes of Nepal" starte ich mit 200 Euro.
Freue mich auf das Bild und auf die Entwicklung des Dorfes Pokhara.
This is the third and last in this special Hope for the Children Project. This is the innocence of youth reflected in the inner strength of a people who have fought for their freedom and won. This girl and the other children in these paintings are the future of Nepal waiting for a new dawn bringing light, love and hope into a life where a smile is worth much more than money and survival can sometimes balance on the edge of a coin.

Acrylics on wood 18 x 24cm
starting bid 150 Euros
JULY 8. BID NUMBER 1: Christiane, bid 150 Euros. The children of Pokhara, Nepal: Sarita, Sony, Sagar, Rasmi, Sunil, Maya etc thank you!
Here is the second Benefit Painting for the children of Nepal. Once again needs some finishing touches but as I know, you are all so eager to bid for the next painting I am posting it now. Up till now we have received no bids and I would like to take this opportunity to once again appeal to your hearts. This project is one of the most worthwhile projects that I know. Helping to provide education for children living in undeveloped countries is one of the most powerfull possibilities of instigating the paradigm of self responsibilty into social cultures. Especially here in Nepal where Democracy is new but growing fast. So dig down, deep into your hearts and make a decision to support human growth and development in the kids of Nepal.
Who is going to be first?

Acrylics on wood 18 x 24cm
Steigern Sie mit ab 150 Euro!
Up to this time there are no bids.
JULY 9. BID NUMBER 1: Monika, bid 150 Euros. The children of Pokhara, Nepal: Sarita, Sony, Sagar, Rasmi, Sunil, Maya etc thank you!
the auction for this painting. (How I´ve heard it needs only 4 EUR for 1 month school for a Child. So this first amount gives 3 years school :-)) )
Many greetings
Here is the first daily painting for the children of Nepal and their School. This 12 year old girl starts work at 4:30 in the morning and finishes at 21:30 in the evening.
Here is the finished painting. As you know this is a Benefit Auction starting with 150 Euros, I have decided to let it run up until August 1. All offers can be written into the comments or sent to me personally at my email address. I am able to send artworks worldwide and all proceeds will go into a school project in Nepal enabling the local children to receive an education. Reach deep into your heart and support the Art project by bidding for this painting "Hope for the Children."
(Deutscher Text folgt)